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Healthcare & Biomedical


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Flexen 致力於開發(fā)可撓式軟性PPG 感測(cè)貼片,可即時(shí)且連續(xù)性的量測(cè)心率、血氧、血壓、心房顫動(dòng),其精確性已符合FDA 的要求。由於採(cǎi)用貼片的形式,將能有效克服現(xiàn)有穿戴式裝置因使用者手腕運(yùn)動(dòng)過程中,感測(cè)元件與血管的錯(cuò)位,而產(chǎn)生量測(cè)誤差的問題;且採(cǎi)取多組且不同波長(zhǎng)的發(fā)射光源,除了能精確的偵測(cè)生理訊號(hào)外,更能偵測(cè)到一般穿戴裝置無法測(cè)得的血壓、心房顫動(dòng)。

Flexen is committed to developing a flexible soft PPG sensing patch, which can measure heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, and atrial fibrillation instantly and continuously, and its accuracy has met FDA requirements.