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Healthcare & Biomedical

ible Technology Inc.

HOME Our Startups
ible Tech.成立於2015年,首條產(chǎn)品線為穿戴式負(fù)離子空氣清淨(jìng)器(Airvida系列),其產(chǎn)品的誕生,便是希望能隨時(shí)隨地帶給人們清淨(jìng)的空氣,以減少吸入危害身體的PM2.5或容易引起過(guò)敏不適的花粉與過(guò)敏原。希望科技不僅帶給人們樂(lè)趣,也帶給人們健康舒適的環(huán)境。

Founded in 2015, ible Technology is an IoT & wearable device company specializing in manufacturing certified wearable air purifiers using unique Breathing Pathway Eco Ion Technology that provide users protection from airborne allergens, virus, and PM2.5.