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Healthcare & Biomedical


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Hydrostasis(TM)致力於成為水分監(jiān)測(cè)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。我們提供可行動(dòng)的、即時(shí)的、以及個(gè)人化的水分資訊,影響著表現(xiàn)、健康和安全。商業(yè)模式為 B2B,將與智能裝置製造商合作,涵蓋消費(fèi)者和臨床應(yīng)用,以實(shí)現(xiàn)水分監(jiān)測(cè)的功能。

At Hydrostasis, we believe that hydration status is the missing vital sign. Dehydration impacts human performance including heart, muscle, kidney and brain function. It also leads to 20% increase in premature death and 10M seniors hospitalized each year. Currently there's no preventative measure, doctors are relying on pinching skin, weight changes, and swollen ankles. Their product, Geca is a consumer wearable that uses AI algorithms to personalize hydration plans based on individual needs.