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Smart Tech

Cubo AI(Yun yun AI Baby camera)

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結(jié)合 A.I. 人工智慧科技,Cubo Ai 是第一臺(tái)能主動(dòng)偵測(cè)如「口鼻被異物覆蓋、翻身」等睡床潛在危險(xiǎn)事件的嬰兒監(jiān)視器,並於第一時(shí)間透過(guò)手機(jī)發(fā)送「預(yù)警通知」搭配「鳥(niǎo)叫聲」,讓爸媽隨時(shí)掌握寶寶狀況,為寶寶打造第一道安全防線!

Cubo Ai, a FamTech company with the mission to protect every baby in this world, is made up of a team of parents, A.I. experts, and engineers, dedicated to safeguarding the baby’s sleep, safety, and memories via empathetic innovations.