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Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd.

HOME Our Startups
Beseye提供 AI 安全攝影機(jī)的影像分析服務(wù)平臺(tái),透過(guò)獨(dú)家研發(fā)的人體骨幹分析技術(shù)辨識(shí)人的特徵和行為,幫助商店或是公共場(chǎng)合進(jìn)行自動(dòng)化的安全分析保護(hù)、同時(shí)協(xié)助分析了解客群的分佈,節(jié)省大量人力監(jiān)看攝影機(jī)的時(shí)間與需求。

With our own unique Skeleton-Print technology, Beseye specializes in development of customized AI Video Analysis Platform, which provides public areas and stores automatic safety analysis and business intelligence that allows users to understand customer demographics and behaviors.