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TWBIO, Trade Wind Biotech Co. Ltd是臺灣第一家合成生物學概念生技公司,核心價值源於團隊為因應全球生態(tài)資源耗竭之下,以合成生物學科技進行編輯細胞以安全益生菌生產天然物,用專利技術建構「珍稀天然戲胞工廠」,取代傳統(tǒng)天然物農業(yè)或化學繁瑣高汙染製成,生產安全且永續(xù)的天然珍稀原料。

TWBIO is a biotechnology company, who focuses on the development of a “Next Generation Bio-factory”. We build healthy probiotics cells as micro-factories for production of high-valuable compounds for supplements, medicals, and animal health. It is a faster, more economical, and safe way for sustainable industry. The first product is astaxanthin (7500 USD/kg with 3 billion USD global market), which is a super antioxidant with high potential in supplement markets, and it is also essential for improving the appearance and thus the market value of the salmon fish.