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Healthcare & Biomedical


HOME Our Startups
Home心是衛(wèi)福部指定合作的新創(chuàng)公司,共同推動(dòng)共享照顧,利用智慧平臺(tái)劃分出重點(diǎn)照顧項(xiàng)目(4-5hr方案),再運(yùn)用 AI配對(duì)模型快速匹配最適合之照服員,利用資訊科技解決照顧人力短缺之議題。

Homexin's mission is to tackle the growing severity and the resulting problematic societal issues from the labour shortage situation in the caregiver system. Homexin introduces alternative short period care service (4-5 hour) to enlarge the total capacity of caregivers, and utilises AI technology to instill efficiency and quality in the caregiver system.