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賦予每個人客製化口味的能力,並且大量節(jié)省時間成本,透過搭配的 App與智慧釀酒幾讓每個家庭都能輕鬆做出自己喜愛口味的發(fā)酵酒,極簡化釀酒流程,殺菌、秤重、偵測一機(jī)包辦,提供的是全新的交友方式,真正利用科技把人們連結(jié)在一起。

Alchema is a smart home cider making machine that allows anyone to easily craft delicious hard cider, mead and even wine from fresh fruit right on their kitchen countertops in just two weeks. Alchema was conceived in 2014 by a team of problem solvers, big thinkers and geeks from Taiwan and around the world who all share a passion for the perfect small-batch cider. In 2016, Alchema was selected to take part in the prestigious HAX Accelerator, the world’s first and largest hardware accelerator. The company received worldwide attention following its successful Kickstarter campaign with nearly 1000 backers who contributed more than $344,000, 430 percent of its $80,000 pledged goal, in record time.