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AgriFi 是一個數(shù)位信貸農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng),通過與各種生態(tài)系統(tǒng)合作夥伴合作,賦予農(nóng)民和貿(mào)易商權(quán)力。借貸是我們的核心定位。我們通過“Krishi Khata”移動應(yīng)用程序讓農(nóng)民參與進(jìn)來,通過它我們可以分發(fā)或收集信息以提供所需的幫助,我們在短短 8 週內(nèi)就獲得了超過 15000 次下載。

AgriFi is a digital credit agri ecosystem to empower farmers and traders by partnering with various ecosystem partners. Lending is our core positioning. We onboard farmers through "Krishi Khata" mobile app, by which we can either distribute or collect information to offer required assistance, we have over 15000+ downloads in just 8 weeks.