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Healthcare & Biomedical

Applaud Medical Inc.

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藉由獨家研發(fā)的微泡顆粒技術(shù)(Microbubble Technology)的脂質(zhì)微球顆粒(Lipid microsphere-particle)高度專一識別並接合人體結(jié)石特性,經(jīng)導(dǎo)尿管注射至尿路結(jié)石病灶並給與超音波或是雷射能量激發(fā)共振,使結(jié)石能在短時間內(nèi)有效崩解並排除體外。

Applaud aims to improve treatment methods, patient experiences and medical costs for all patients experiencing the effects of kidney stones in the U.S. and all around the world.