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Aqua Fortuna

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國立臺灣海洋大學呂明偉特聘教授帶領團隊,掌握健康養(yǎng)殖之關鍵技術,於 109-110年獲國科會價創(chuàng)計畫之擷取,進一步透過智財保護和營業(yè)秘密策略建構競爭門檻,成功募資,成立本校衍生之新創(chuàng)公司「魚瑞生物科技(Aqua Fortuna Biotech Co., Ltd)」將優(yōu)秀之構想與卓越技術應用於產業(yè)中,且為業(yè)務拓展與增加營運量能,養(yǎng)殖基地包括臺南及屏東,並與馬來西亞、印尼、新加坡、越南等國之官方及當地廠商具伙伴關係緊密。
Professor Lu Mingwei from National Taiwan Ocean University led the team and mastered the key technologies of healthy breeding. He was selected by the National Science Council's price creation plan in 109-110. He further established the competition threshold through the strategy of intellectual property protection and business secrets successfully raised funds and established the new start-up company "Aqua Fortuna Biotech (Aqua Fortuna Biotech Co., Ltd)" derived from the school to apply excellent ideas and excellent technologies to the industry, and to expand business and increase operational capacity. The breeding base includes Tainan and Pingtung, and has close partnerships with official and local furniture manufacturers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and other countries.