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Bellwether Industries Limited

HOME Our Startups
  • 聚焦於城市空中交通載具的設(shè)計與工程研究,從飛行載具研發(fā)起步,推動先進智慧移動解決方案,打造未來智慧交通的全新型態(tài)。
  • 工程模擬服務(wù)(流體動力模擬),工業(yè)設(shè)計(飛行載具及汽車設(shè)計)。

Bellwether Advanced Mobility Solutions is an affiliate enterprise of a UK-based startup Bellwether Industries Limited. Starting with compact aircraft and drone research and development, Bellwether Taiwan is specialised in advanced mobility solutions covering design, engineering, and business consultancy services.