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Healthcare & Biomedical

Taiwan Universe BioMedicine

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Taiwan Universe BioMedicine is at the forefront of vaccine development, focusing on bivalent enterovirus and influenza VLP (Virus-Like Particle) vaccines. Their innovative approach aims to address pressing global health challenges, leveraging cutting-edge technology to create more effective and safer vaccines. As they gear up for clinical trials, Adimmune is poised to make significant contributions to public health, with a keen eye on the future of vaccine technology.

臺宇生醫(yī)是一家專注於疫苗研發(fā)的生技公司,致力於開發(fā)雙價腸病毒和流感疫苗等創(chuàng)新疫苗。他們的疫苗開發(fā)著重於使用病毒樣粒子(VLP)技術(shù),以提供更安全有效的疫苗解決方案。臺宇生醫(yī)的研發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)?wèi){藉其專業(yè)知識和技術(shù),致力於應(yīng)對當(dāng)前和未來的公共衛(wèi)生挑戰(zhàn),期待在 2024 至 2025 年間進(jìn)入臨床階段,展現(xiàn)其在生物醫(yī)學(xué)領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)地位??。