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Green Energy & Sustainability

Budget Energy Corp.

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節(jié)能與綠能系統(tǒng)建置的服務公司 Energy Saving Service company(Esco),主要業(yè)務為國內(nèi)外節(jié)能與綠能設(shè)備設(shè)計、規(guī)劃與安裝、監(jiān)造等,且結(jié)合遠端技術(shù)支援, 秉持著優(yōu)越的系統(tǒng)設(shè)計能力, 多年來於海外市場開發(fā)出許多知名品牌客戶且透過精密計算規(guī)劃太陽能模組陣列, 達到最高轉(zhuǎn)換效率90%, 傲視全球。

This company is the Energy Saving Service Company (Esco) of energy saving project and construction of green energy system. The main business is to perform the design, planning, installation and supervision for the energy saving and green energy equipment around the domestic and overseas regions, and incorporates the remote technical support, upholds the superior system design capability.