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CivilCops以AI技術(shù)在多種平臺迅速回應(yīng)用戶需求甚至提供建議,主要技術(shù)為智能化的Chatbot以及語音介面,目前CivilCops著重在於建立起政府與民眾之溝通橋樑,已加入各政府機構(gòu)在Smart City的相關(guān)計畫。

CivilCops is a social intelligence organization for Smart Cities empowering citizens and facilitating Government Authorities to be more accessible, efficient and effective in public service delivery. We are bridging the data and knowledge gap between citizens and governments by establishing seamless communication medium for citizen collaboration and a platform for Governments to increase service responsiveness and shaping service delivery to meet citizen’s needs and wants.

The platform comprises of two products -
CivilCopsBot - AI powered chatbots and voice assistants integrated over multiple platforms for Government Departments to engage with the citizens for reporting non-emergency complaints they are facing and providing feedback/suggestions on public services. Hence, bringing them more value and creating a new kind of city service approach.

CivilCopsWork - A Service Request Platform for the Authorities to collect, work and collaborate on the received citizens requests. CivilCopsWork helps the Government to take faster and better decisions, evaluate the impact of existing services/initiatives and accordingly make changes by keeping the citizens in the loop. The platform consolidates public data, streamlines requests and workflows with automation and leverages data to get actionable insights, define priorities and make decisions that improve citizen service delivery.