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迪羅科技提供結(jié)合影像及順應(yīng)控制的智慧教導(dǎo)系統(tǒng),允許使用者徒手教導(dǎo)(teaching) 機(jī)器手臂完成期望的運(yùn)動(dòng),點(diǎn)位教導(dǎo)過(guò)程運(yùn)用曲線擬合(curve fitting)智慧優(yōu)化軌跡,並佐以平行運(yùn)算(GPU)深度學(xué)習(xí)(deep learning)影像處理功能輔助軌跡精準(zhǔn)度,允許使用者可撥放(re-play)其所記錄的軌跡,讓機(jī)器手臂重覆其運(yùn)動(dòng),以達(dá)到人機(jī)協(xié)同合作快速定位的功能。

DEEP ROBOTICS CO., LTD. provides an intelligent teaching system that combines image and adaptive control, allowing users to teach the robot arm to complete the desired movement with bare hands. The point-to-point teaching process uses curve fitting to intelligently optimize the trajectory and supports parallel operations. Deep-learning image processing function assists trajectory accuracy, allowing users to re-play the recorded trajectory, allowing the robot arm to repeat its movement, so as to achieve rapid positioning by the the human-machine cooperation function.