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EchoX Technology Co., Ltd.

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EchoX 在前進 web3 時代的趨勢上,加密錢包就是新時代的登入方式,EchoX 瞄準區(qū)塊鏈技術及NFT供品牌長期應用的價值,開發(fā)EchoX Business - web3會員管理平臺,一站式解決方案滿足項目品牌各階段需求,協(xié)助各產(chǎn)業(yè)無痛經(jīng)營新時代的會員。

EchoX is dedicated to innovating web3 business models with our partners through blockchain application and O2O redemptions. With increasing demands of crypto applications from both consumers and businesses end, it is our mission to lower the barrier in the transformation process of web2 to web3.