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Healthcare & Biomedical

InFocus Therapeutics

HOME Our Startups
InFocus Therapeutics is an innovative biotech company focused on developing RNA-targeting small molecule drugs to address complex diseases unmet by current therapies. Utilizing advanced computational platforms and novel technologies, they target tumor-related genes like EGFR to inhibit translation, particularly for glioblastoma and other brain cancers. Founded by experts in biopharma, AI, and RNA biology, InFocus is headquartered in Boston with a subsidiary in Paris.

InFocus Therapeutics專注於開發(fā)RNA標(biāo)靶小分子藥物,填補(bǔ)無法藥物化的治療領(lǐng)域。公司結(jié)合深度計(jì)算平臺(tái)與創(chuàng)新發(fā)現(xiàn)技術(shù),設(shè)計(jì)出能夠抑制癌基因轉(zhuǎn)譯的小分子藥物,這些藥物能阻止核糖體掃描,導(dǎo)致mRNA降解,特別針對(duì)蛋白質(zhì)調(diào)控?zé)o效的靶標(biāo)。首批項(xiàng)目針對(duì)mRNA序列,目標(biāo)是抑制腫瘤相關(guān)基因如EGFR的轉(zhuǎn)譯,對(duì)於治療膠質(zhì)母細(xì)胞瘤和其他腦癌具有潛力。InFocus的服務(wù)項(xiàng)目包括創(chuàng)新化學(xué)庫設(shè)計(jì)、細(xì)胞內(nèi)篩選分析,以及RNA結(jié)構(gòu)模擬和功能篩選,識(shí)別和優(yōu)化藥物候選物,最終改善患者的治療效果。