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Healthcare & Biomedical

InVenis Biotherapies

HOME Our Startups
Invenis Biotherapies uses platelet concentrates, otherwise destined for destruction, to create a safer and more effective platelet lysate compatible with the CNS. This lysate will be directly delivered into the CNS for ALS. Our research shows significantly improved survival rates compared to current treatments or recombinant growth factors.
從未用於輸血而即將被銷毀的血小板濃縮物中,Invenis Biotherapies應用其專利工藝獲得一種更安全、更有效且與中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)(CNS)相容的血小板裂解物。該血小板裂解物將直接輸送到感興趣的部位,因此在肌萎縮側(cè)索硬化癥(ALS)中將直接輸送到中樞神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)。我們的研究結(jié)果非常有趣,其對存活的影響明顯優(yōu)於目前的治療方法或重組生長因子的使用。