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LESSDO 設計了世界上第一臺肥皂機。 取代了傳統(tǒng)手工製皂技藝的工具和復雜的工藝,將傳統(tǒng)的製皂工藝重新設計為一機四步材料包。大人小孩都可以輕而易舉地製作出屬於自己的香皂。

Hey, we are LESSDO. Like you, our skin is not very good. It's hard to choose a suitable, non-chemically added cleaning product. It's expensive to buy handmade soap from the market, and it's troublesome to make it yourself.
We design the first Soap Maker in the world. Replacing the tools and complex processes of the traditional handmade soap skill, as long as the simple four-step in ten minutes, it is easy for adults and children can make a soap of their own