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Locus Connect Technologies

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Locus RTLS 位置服務(wù)平臺,可在具有挑戰(zhàn)性的室內(nèi)環(huán)境中提供 10 公分的精確和高速跟蹤功能。配合先進(jìn)的位置數(shù)據(jù)挖掘平臺,能夠在工作流程中找出隱藏的瓶頸,同時有助於公司優(yōu)化內(nèi)部物流,提高工作場所安全性和工人生產(chǎn)力。

Locus Connect delivers accurate real-time location platform for companies and industries to manage their moving world. Locus Connect comprises of Locus RTLS Location-as-a-Service platform delivering 10cm precise and high speed tracking capabilities in challenging indoor environment. Paired with advanced location data mining platform, the system is able to bring out hidden dynamic bottlenecks along the work-flow processes. This in-turn helps companies to optimizetheir intra-logistics, increase workplace safety and worker productivity. This is made possible by Decawave Ultrawideband radio technology and Locus proprietary firmware, running complex algorithms at an edge server.