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開(kāi)發(fā)的VM-Fi™聲麥無(wú)線,為一尖端音頻廣播技術(shù),讓主機(jī)位置能夠連結(jié)至數(shù)以千計(jì)使用5G / AI / APP / ICT服務(wù)的無(wú)線裝置用戶(hù),導(dǎo)覽場(chǎng)域單位可省下無(wú)線電設(shè)備成本,且不需再處理無(wú)線電設(shè)備收納問(wèn)題,又能提升導(dǎo)覽的品質(zhì)。

VM-Fi - The innovative solution for edge group communication and advantage for business:
1. The world 1st & only edge innovation group communication
2. VM-Fi is a ""Paradigm Shift"" solution for group communication from Traditional Radio. Like Nokia to Smartphone.
3. VM-Fi can have a B2B2B vertical integration business with Telecom Wi-Fi Service Corporate as a win-win business partner.
4. VM-Fi can solve the traditional high-cost radio business pain point by implementing smartphone generation tech to lower 50% running cost/75% maintain hour and 98% hardware quantity for business.