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Mecode 為一間以客製化軟體作為主要產(chǎn)品的新創(chuàng),目前已在臺(tái)灣、泰國(guó)等地皆設(shè)有辦公室,並且已有眾多和Line、Nielsen等知名企業(yè)合作案例,也在金融、保險(xiǎn)、醫(yī)療保健、零售等領(lǐng)域多點(diǎn)開(kāi)花,幫助各大企業(yè)達(dá)成數(shù)位轉(zhuǎn)型的需求。

We are very experienced in UX/UI design and front-end development compared to local Taiwanese tech companies. We can help Taiwanese companies digitalize and internationalize their digital products and services using our background from SEA markets.