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Healthcare & Biomedical


HOME Our Startups
MedSelect is a biotechnology startup founded by experts from National Tsing Hua University, including Dr. Hsuan-Yu Mu, Ya-Hui Lin, and Prof. Jen-Huang Huang. The company focuses on overcoming challenges in cancer drug development. MedSelect’s Tumor Microenvironment Chip replicates tumor heterogeneity and cellular diversity, providing precise and efficient drug efficacy evaluations.

MedSelect是一家專注於生物技術的新創(chuàng)公司,由國立清華大學化學工程系的Dr. 穆宣佑、林雅慧和Prof. 黃振煌創(chuàng)立。公司致力於推動抗癌藥物開發(fā),利用專利的腫瘤微環(huán)境晶片技術,真實再現(xiàn)腫瘤的異質性與細胞多樣性,結合高通量自動化分析系統(tǒng),提供準確高效的藥物療效評估。MedSelect的創(chuàng)新技術大幅縮短新藥研發(fā)時間,降低成本,為全球癌癥治療研究提供強大支持。