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NodeFlair 是新加坡排名第一的技術(shù)人才職涯平臺,幫助求職者運用數(shù)據(jù)而非意見做出更好的職涯決定。NodeFlair 創(chuàng)立於 2018 年,並已由起初的招募平臺,進一步演化為更全面的一站式職涯平臺,幫助技術(shù)人才更好地面對探索、研究、錄取、增能等各個職涯關(guān)鍵步驟。

NodeFlair is Singapore’s #1 tech talent platform empowering talents to make smarter career decisions with data, not opinion. Founded in 2018, NodeFlair has evolved from a tech-enabled recruitment platform to a full-stack tech career platform with products for every step of tech talent’s career, across job discovery, job researching, job securing, and career uplifting.