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Osense Technology

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專營(yíng) OMO 虛實(shí)融合的智慧場(chǎng)域整合解決方案,並被日本最大財(cái)經(jīng)雜誌《日經(jīng) Nikkei Business 》選為「尋找十年後的 Google 、改變世界的 100 家公司」,為唯一上榜的臺(tái)灣企業(yè)。電腦視覺、 AI 深度學(xué)習(xí)是核心技術(shù),也是橋接 OMO 整合服務(wù)及真實(shí)世界的橋樑,將其定為 LaaS (Loation as a Service,場(chǎng)域即服務(wù))的基礎(chǔ),並廣泛應(yīng)用於特定的複雜場(chǎng)域,例如大型展覽館、體育館、商辦大樓、交通樞紐等。OSENSE拿下大臺(tái)南會(huì)展中心 15 年科技運(yùn)營(yíng)權(quán),也將以它為基地,打造出全臺(tái)第一個(gè)虛實(shí)融合的智慧場(chǎng)域?qū)嵖?jī)。預(yù)計(jì)於 2021 年推出第一個(gè)線上展覽系統(tǒng) SaaS 產(chǎn)品,未來將提供個(gè)別廠商、策展方最便捷且符合商洽需求的線上展覽服務(wù)。

OSENSE is selected as “In Search of Next Google, 100 companies that will change the world” by Nikkei Business. To be the only Taiwan enterprise in the rank, OSENSE is gearing up to make the OMO smart space solution go to market. AI’s spatial recognition is our core technology and the bridge between OMO services and the real world. To build the world of LaaS (Location as a Service), OSENSE combines online and offline solutions for specific spaces, such as exhibition halls, stadiums, transportation hubs, etc. Tainan Multifunction Conference and Exhibition Center will be the first “LaaS” space. After integrating the online service (software platform) and the offline service (technology based on computer vision), the total solution of smart space will come true. OSENSE expect to launch the first SaaS product – an online exhibition system in the mid of 2021.