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Pade Technology Co., Ltd.

HOME Our Startups
成立於 2023 年,與國立臺灣師範(fàn)大學(xué)光電所謝振傑教授合作,開發(fā)出「沛德永續(xù)紡織材質(zhì)智能分選系統(tǒng)」。該系統(tǒng)採用近紅外光譜技術(shù)及 AI 智能學(xué)習(xí),可快速、非接觸式辨識紡織材質(zhì),準(zhǔn)確度達(dá) 90%。致力於協(xié)助舊衣回收業(yè)者精準(zhǔn)分類紡織材質(zhì),提供化纖廠品質(zhì)穩(wěn)定的回收廢紡,完成紡織循環(huán)經(jīng)濟(jì)的最後一哩路。期盼透過上下游產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈整合,建立綠色紡織循環(huán)生態(tài)系,協(xié)助紡織產(chǎn)業(yè)永續(xù)發(fā)展,為保護(hù)地球盡一份心力。

Pade technology was founded in 2023 with Professor Jie Renjie (NTNU) to develop smart textile classification systems. The system uses near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and artificial intelligence to quickly and non-destructively identify textile materials, achieving high accuracy recognized by professional institutions. The technology aims to convert non-wear-resistant textiles currently destined for downcycling, landfill or incineration into valuable resources for textile-to-textile recycling.