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PanelSemi Corporation

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方略電子提供世界首創(chuàng) Panel Foundry Business Model 服務(wù),協(xié)助客戶(hù)運(yùn)用TFT-LCD的Ecosystem進(jìn)行各種創(chuàng)新研發(fā)。也就是Panel Semiconductor領(lǐng)域裡類(lèi)似「創(chuàng)意電子」的角色。有兩類(lèi)世界級(jí)首創(chuàng)商品,一是軟式LED顯示器,二為Rigid AM Mini LED顯示器,已在日本地鐵、臺(tái)北國(guó)際中心裝設(shè)。

PanelSemi already have two world’s leading products, Flexible Display and Rigid AM Mini LED, installed in Japanese subway and Taipei International Convention Center (TICC).