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Pentium Network

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奔騰網(wǎng)路科技即將發(fā)佈符合零信任架構概念的混合雲(yún)管理工具MAVIS,提供企業(yè)在數(shù)位轉(zhuǎn)型的路上一個入門的單一管控入口,確保雲(yún)端與地端的數(shù)位資產(chǎn)存取被嚴格的管控與紀錄。 避免人員直接觸碰資產(chǎn)密鑰的設計也大幅降低了資訊外洩的可能性,進而達到有效的資安防護,同時也是企業(yè)申請ISO27001認證的好幫手。

Pentium Network is going to release our new product MAVIS, Multi-cloud Access Virtual Infrastructure System, which is aiming to reduce burden on IT department by providing a single portal for managing and accessing all your IT assets on cloud and on-premises. MAVIS is designed under zero trust cyber security principle, it surely will be your best partner on your digital transformation journey.