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Healthcare & Biomedical

Pilatus Biosciences

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Pilatus Biosciences S.A. combines checkpoint inhibitors with cytokines, exhibiting dual anti-tumor activity. Guiding cytokines to the tumor microenvironment via antibodies should also have fewer side effects than systemic cytokine delivery. In the summary, Pilatus describes an IL-10/anti-PD-1 mAb fusion. IL-10 helps prevent exhaustion of activated T cells.

Pilatus Biosciences S.A.將檢查點(diǎn)抑制劑與細(xì)胞因子融合,具有雙重抗腫瘤活性。透過(guò)抗體將細(xì)胞因子引導(dǎo)至腫瘤微環(huán)境,也應(yīng)該比全身性細(xì)胞因子傳遞具有更少的副作用。在摘要中,Pilatus描述了一種 IL-10/抗-PD-1 mAb融合。IL-10有助於防止活化T細(xì)胞耗竭。