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Shark Tank Taiwan 為歐美品牌資訊網(wǎng)路平臺,挖掘潛力十足或是時(shí)下最熱門及優(yōu)質(zhì)的歐美商品給臺灣消費(fèi)者。 並致力於多元化的異業(yè)合作與合作夥伴共同推廣,有效地增加雙方品牌及產(chǎn)品曝光率。

Shark Tank Taiwan is currently the only e-commerce website that focuses on introducing western lifestyles to the Taiwanese market. Shark Tank Taiwan includes but not limited to consumer products, apparels, innovative gadgets, electronics, and new services. Our current partners include Uber Taiwan, hotels, Honestbee, Kickstarter projects, ABC Shark Tank successful products, movie theaters, and 500+ local businesses.