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Healthcare & Biomedical

Singular Wings

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奇翼醫(yī)電(Singular Wings Medical)協(xié)助醫(yī)療專業(yè)人員監(jiān)控健康和生理狀況,記錄並反映用戶的各種生理數(shù)據(jù)和長期生理狀態(tài)趨勢,可將其用作風險預測的參考,並在患者狀況不佳時由醫(yī)療團隊通知。通過在家中使用簡單的設備和APP,測量心臟、呼吸,透過身體各種生理指數(shù)頻率和趨勢及和精神狀況的指標,從而使用戶能夠自我照護,或透過親屬提供即時幫助。醫(yī)療專業(yè)人員透過儀表板上的信息,也將可以做出最適合解決實際問題的最佳決策。

Singular Wings Medical assists medical professionals to monitor health and physiology. It records and reflects the user’s various physiological data and long-term physiological status trends. It can be used as a reference for risk prediction, and notified by the medical team when the patient is not in the right conditions. By using the device at home, users are able to measure the cardiac electrical signal (ECG), respiratory rate and trend, indicators of physical and mental conditions with simple equipment and APP, allowing users to take care of themselves or provide immediate assistance between relatives. Through information on dashboard medical professionals will make the best decision to resolve the real problems.