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Swingvy 是創(chuàng)辦人 Jin Choeh 的第三度創(chuàng)業(yè),從過去創(chuàng)立 Zibro 線上房地產(chǎn)交易平臺(tái)及 Ssamtong家教媒合平臺(tái)的創(chuàng)業(yè)過程中,他發(fā)現(xiàn)對(duì)中小企業(yè)而言,若無法有效管理人力資源,將產(chǎn)生額外支出並大大影響團(tuán)隊(duì)效能,而在與其他中小企業(yè)合作的同時(shí),他也察覺人力資源管理其實(shí)是所有東南亞中小企業(yè)的痛點(diǎn)??匆妵H間人力資源平臺(tái)服務(wù)的風(fēng)起雲(yún)湧,加上洞察到東南亞市場(chǎng)的實(shí)際需求,Jin Choeh決定三度創(chuàng)業(yè),用一套 HR 軟體整合人事資料、休假管理、請(qǐng)款流程、薪資計(jì)算、公司行事曆等所有企業(yè)中與「人」相關(guān)的業(yè)務(wù)。Swingvy 表示平臺(tái)能省下 80%以上的紙本工作,及每月約 3 小時(shí)的工作時(shí)間,它最大的特點(diǎn)在於:這個(gè)平臺(tái)整合了所有人資相關(guān)子系統(tǒng)功能,並透過直覺友善的介面,讓用戶透過App 便可輕鬆完成作業(yè)。

Swingvy use a set of HR software to integrate personnel information, leave management, payment process, salary calculation, company calendar and other business related to "people" in all enterprises. Swingvy represents that the platform can save more than 80% of paperwork and about 3 hours of work per month. Its biggest feature is that the platform integrates the functions of all relevant sub-systems, and through an intuitive and friendly interface, Users can easily complete tasks through the App.