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USPACE為共享車(chē)位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)品牌,車(chē)位主只要在離開(kāi)家中車(chē)位時(shí),立起「智慧地鎖」並選定可共享時(shí)段,該車(chē)位就透過(guò)物聯(lián)技術(shù)共享於使用者 App 上;身為需要車(chē)位的您,只需按下「一鍵停車(chē)」的按鈕,雙方即可一鍵媒合。

USPACE App is made for private parking space sharing which control by our IoT device called 'ULOCK'' to let the owner sharing their spaces.