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HOME Our Startups
WiJungle 是一家印度網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全公司,為全球 25 多個國家/地區(qū)的組織開發(fā)和銷售統(tǒng)一網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全網(wǎng)關(guān)。 WiJungle 成立於 2014 年,最初是作為完全免費的 WiFi 服務推出的,它是第一家這樣做的印度私營公司。
目前,公司為酒店、醫(yī)療保健、教育、BFSI、零售、國防、運輸、ITES 等行業(yè)垂直領(lǐng)域的政府和私營巨頭提供服務。

WiJungle is an Indian Cyber Security Company that develops and markets unified network security gateway to organizations across 25+ countries worldwide. Founded in 2014, WiJungle was initially launched as a completely Free WiFi service and it was the first Indian private company to do so.
Currently company serves government and private giants across industry verticals like Hospitality, Healthcare, Education, BFSI, Retail, Defense, Transportation, ITES etc.