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Women in Work Limited

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Women in Work 建立職場(chǎng)女性社群,協(xié)助職場(chǎng)女性找到興趣同好並透過數(shù)據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)換潛在電商購(gòu)買機(jī)會(huì)。搜羅一系列由女性創(chuàng)立或?qū)榕远O(shè)的本地品牌產(chǎn)品,窺探她們的故事,幫助她們推廣品牌。

Women in Work aims to establish a community for professional working women; helping them use data to find like-minded people and convert them into potential e-commerce purchasing opportunities. WIW curates a wide variety of local brands created by women for women, discover their stories and help promote their brands