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Green Energy & Sustainability

BSF Innovation Limited

HOME Our Startups
開發(fā)了一種真正的有機(jī)綠色建築材料混合物,從黑水虻幼蟲殼和廚餘中的纖維和鈣中提取,命名為WASTE2BUILD,可與水泥、石膏板、磚塊和乳膠漆等傳統(tǒng)建築材料混合而成,為了保持最強(qiáng)穏定度,可以高達(dá)40 %作為替換部分,直接減少高達(dá)40%的碳排放。WASTE2BUILD涉及8個(gè)SDG要素和100% ESG合規(guī)性。

BSF INNOVATION develops a truly organic and green construction materials mixture extracted from black soldier fly larvae shells and food waste fibre and calcium, named WASTE2BUILD, which can be integrated with traditional building materials such as cement, plasterboards, bricks and emulsion paints with up to 40% replacement portion, which can directly reduce up to 40% of carbon emission. WASTE2BUILD involves 8 SDG elements and 100% ESG compliance.